This stack is copyright 1988 by Willard Korfhage. All rights reserved. This stack may be freely copied and distributed, and it may not be sold for money, except for minor charges, totalling less than $10, for copying the physical media and for handling. In no event may this notice be removed.
If you find any bugs in the stack, please let me know. If you make any improvements to this stack, please send a copy to me so I may incorporate them in the next version of the stack.
My address (until summer '89, when I will have finished my Ph.d):
If you wondered what PSL stands for, it is an acronym for Parallel Systems Laboratory, the research group of which I am a member.
History of Bib Stack:
v2.0: 12/13/88. Put the same fields on all the cards to get rid of find problems, added a new popup menu XCMD so the menus are positioned properly. Rewrote and cleanup the the stack script. Put in better documentation.
v1.0: 9/12/88 First release
This stack developed with the aid of Developer Stack, and I highly recommend it.
To receive the latest version, send $10 to
Box 388
Southampton, PA 18966
Steve Maller for the FileName XFCN.
Andrew Gilmartin for PopUpMenu and NewFileName XFCNs.